项目的挑战, a popular program for North Country high school students offered by esball国际平台客户端 during the winter, 会提供波茨坦的课程吗, NY, 2023年校园展望.

The program provides local students an opportunity to participate in classes they cannot normally find at their high school and explore their future interests and develop skills. 


Five-week courses will be taught by Clarkson faculty and administrators on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. 直到中午,从1月中旬开始. 波茨坦校区项目由esball国际平台客户端学校管理, our early entrance program for talented high school students who have typically completed their junior year and are ready to begin college studies.

Courses will be held on the Potsdam campus on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, on January 14, 21, 28; and February 4 and 11 with a snow date of February 18. To register, please contact your Guidance Counselor to complete the registration information. If you are a home-schooled student or a self-paying student, you can register online here. 报名截止日期为2023年1月6日星期五.  Please note that classes do fill up quickly as most are limited to 15 students!

请联系Brenda Kozsan, 波茨坦校区挑战项目主任, 在bkozsan@clarkson.Edu或致电315-268-4425有任何问题.


新! Gaming the System: Experiencing Politics through Games and Simulations – Instructor: Alexander Cohen

This course will give you an opportunity to explore and experience politics firsthand through a variety of interactive games and simulations. 你将尝试管理自然资源, 作为制宪会议的代表, 在银河议会中代表太阳系中的一颗行星, 度过了古巴导弹危机的紧张日子, 在休斯顿发生致命袭击后追捕恐怖分子, 德州. 这样做的时候, you will learn about the conflict of ideas that surround the founding of this country, 无政府状态和自然状态, 制度的约束, 官僚思维的局限性和法律的制定方式.

新! 大脑和药物成瘾-讲师:罗伯特·道曼

Attempts to address drug use and addiction have been ongoing for decades. 尽管做出了这些努力, 药物使用和成瘾继续导致严重的社会问题, 健康和经济受到影响. 例如, 大约有5800万人报告有物质使用障碍, 美国因药物过量而死亡的人数.S. 2020年达到9万人. We will explore the psychological and brain mechanisms underlying drug use and addition. Questions we will explore include: Why do people use psychoactive drugs such as nicotine, 大麻, 可卡因和鸦片? 为什么有些药物比其他药物更容易上瘾? Can understanding changes in the brain responsible for addiction improve addiction treatment and prevention?

新! War and Pieces: Understanding World War II through Tabletop Games – Instructor: Alastair Kocho-Williams

This course will make use of tabletop games as a means of understanding of World War II. 作为一场冲突,在不同的规模和不同的背景下. 从涵盖整个战争的游戏中, 不同的战役或战斗, 陆地上的战争, 在海上, 在空气中, 或者是那些参战的男男女女们的生命和命运, you will gain an understanding of the war from a number of different angles. We will investigate the challenges of fighting and winning World War II, 本来会有什么不同, 抵抗运动, and how games can be used as a means of understanding the war and its many aspects. Drawing on an extensive game library you will play and analyze games as a means of understanding World War II, 然后开始设计自己的游戏.  

新! Modeling: Using Mathematics to Understand our World – Instructor: Adewale Adeolu

We will explore three real-world problems through mathematics and technology to investigate: How do you choose the best doughnut or identify the best cookie? You will have the opportunity to develop a mathematical model you can use in the next shopping trip. 数学如何帮助理解COVID-19这样的流行病?  In 2020, the world experienced a novel pandemic that shook our existence. 许多国家, 包括美国在内, declared a total lockdown and many other measures to curtail the spread of SARS-CoV-2, 已知会导致COVID-19的病毒. We will physically simulate how disease spreads by chicken-dancing and playing rock-paper-scissors, 收集数据, 并使用技术来理解数据. 你的身高和身体的各个部位有关系吗? We will 收集数据 in class to understand how other body parts can explain human height.

Innovation in Industry: How to Bring a Product to Market – Instructor: James Franklin

Firms derive competitive advantage by bringing out new products and services. In the past, firms could sit on their time-tested offerings of products and services.  Not any more: with global companies offering newer products and services at an ever-increasing pace, 即使是成熟的公司也需要创新他们的产品. The challenge is to learn how to manage effectively technological innovation. Such an approach includes new ways to generate and implement strategic goals, 沟通需要的信息, 组织任务和管理人员. 此外, firms are increasingly relying on business and technology partners all over the world to get innovative ideas.  This has led to the concepts of open and globally dispersed innovation. 你将学习探索鼓励的方法, 增强, 管理一个组织的技术创新过程.

Show Me the Money – Personal Finance for Teens – Instructor: Chad Colbert

你想有一天变得富有吗? Understanding money and how it works is key to minimizing financial stress and increasing your likelihood of financial independence. 知识就是力量,你对个人理财了解得越多, the better you will be at taking charge/control of your resources instead of money controlling you. 这节课我们将讨论预算问题, 储蓄, 债务与债务管理, 投资, 保险问题,甚至讨论税收. The information in this course will better equip you to make sound financial decisions now and in the future.

当代社会问题-讲师:JoAnn Rogers

This course explores the definition, causes, consequences, and solutions of social problems in U.S. 社会. 通过电影, 阅读, 讲座, 和讨论, 学生们将学习诸如性和性别等问题, 贫困, 无家可归, 经济和种族不平等, 教育, 社区隔离. 在整个课程中, we will explore ways in which these social problems are part of the organization of 社会, 以及我们如何利用我们的机构来解决这些问题.


你曾经对计算机编程感到好奇吗? Do you want to learn the popular Python programming language that everyone else has already known? 来探索Python,同时解决一些实际问题, 从素数检验, π估计, 找根, 通过计算抵押, 播放音乐, 隐写和破译密码.

《esball国际平台客户端》——教练:Brenda Kozsan

根据史蒂芬·柯维的名著改编, 《高效能人士的七个习惯, we will explore the seven characteristics that happy and successful teens the world over have in common. For teens, life is not a playground; it is a jungle. 你将如何应对同辈压力?  动机? 成功与否? The life of a teenager is full of tough issues and life-changing decisions. This class will provide students with a systematic framework through exercises, 团队活动, 角色扮演可以提升自我形象, 建立友谊, 抵制同侪压力, 完成目标, 改善与父母的沟通和关系, 在高中取得成功, 大学和生活.